Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays to all!

Christmas was awesome; I managed to get spoiled by Santa and the parents once again this year! Thanks to the family for a great one! All the best to everyone on a happy 2009.

Before Christmas we had a solid training camp, picking up the swim and bike volume for me. In one week I tripled my normal swim volume. Threw in a bunch of 7km swims followed with hard bikes and runs and the ultimate 10km swim! By the time we reached the 10km there were only a select few left who finished the whole thing. Here Is a pick from the 100x100 group without a-russle who did the whole thing but had to leave early. Props to the people who did it!

The rest of the camp went well, and got a little time off during the holidays. I managed to hurt myself in a snow-skimming injury during the holidays but hope to be better asap! Couple more days of recovery should make it all good.

A couple training camp pictures....


A-Russ said...

Yes, that was a great camp. Hard work, but rewarding when you think of the fitness we will gain from it.

Snow- skimming, get a video of this new age sport up here.

Have a good one on New years Scotty!

Scotty said...

Hello I'm scott dagnall and I leave in france I have the same age and the same name of you and I do athletics to if you want to contact me ask on face book or by mail on