Sunday, August 10, 2008

Kelowna T minus 6 days!

Over the last couple day I have noticed my body ready to just shut down. Standing hurts, getting out of bed in the moring hurts, and heck even laughing hurts these days. This is awsome! It means I am finally ready to race Kelwona next weekend! I feel like ever since Mexico my training has gone down and has not came back up again, until the last few weeks. I am ready to go again. I am finally convinced that I have put in the time and ready for a great result. There has also been a few things bugging me about what to do next year with schooling, triathlon, work, and everything else. I am finally able to put all of that aside and focus on the race. I will figure it all out after nationals, but for now it is go time. Just going to have a great race which I have waited long enough for. Very excited for some tapering in a big way!!

Also last weekend was the sri triathlon which is always really well put on and always alot of fun. Here are some pictures.. photos by Mark Creery.

P.S. The headband is making a comeback in a big way. And Special thanks to Andy McCartney for the beuty aero helmet!

Friday, August 1, 2008

2008 Crit Season

For the last few years, I have been lucky enough to race in some of the local criteriums. The races are awesome for a few things, firstly they are always a good workout. If you need to work harder just go up front and take a longer pull. They are also really good for bike handling and good conering practice. Lastly you always can get a wicked hill workout out of them cause there is always a decent hil in it. Here is some photos from this year.