Thursday, January 17, 2008


I woke up this morning after going to bed early last night hoping to take advantage of my morning off of swimming. I awoke to see my clock saying 12:30, so much for my morning. I am not ussually a huge fan of sleeping in as I feel like I am sleeping away the best part of the day. However I think I may have been in desperate need of this sleep. I always loved the quote "I will sleep when I'm dead" Warren Zevon. I mean Its obviously a little far fetched, but it is an interesting outlook on life. Something to think about..

Training is going well, Couple more days left in the third build week of three including a TT in the swim tommorow, a bike ride including some hill repeats on the observatory, and the all and mighty track workout in the afternoon. Add a little money making at work to the mix and it should be a good but big day.

Also I have just confirmed that I will be travellling up to Whistler for a training camp this weekend. Some awsome cross country skiing on the olympic course and a nice change of scenery. I have never been to whistler in the winter before but I have heard it is a great atmosphere in the village up there! Pretty Excited. Thanks to the parents who are going to help me out financial wise it should be a great finish to this three weeks of killer training!
A picture from our last team trip up to Mt Washington. The snow is alays fun, especially when your with a good group.

Monday, January 14, 2008

It's Go Time!!

Yesterday marked the start of the year for me, as it was the first race of the season. It was the pioneer 8km at the saanich fair grounds. In my opinion you can train as hard as you want and treat as many training sessions like a race as you would like, however to me it is not the same. There is something about the air on race morning, the food tastes different and your body just is more ready to go. All winter we train and work as hard as we can but sometimes it is easy to forget why we go through all this pain. 6 months without racing it is hard to stay focused! However after just one running race yesterday I am more then ready to go. It puts everything into perspective and to me it means that race season is soon upon us! I am very enthused about this! Quick race report....The rface was alright, we just did a 5km hard to get some early season times and then I just finished off the race just under steady state pace. 5km split 16:44, so nothing crazy solid, however not bad either. I would have been happy with under 16:30 but I will take it considering the time of the year. Props go out to stevo with an insane split of 15:44 at the 5km and a little sprint off with one of the stronger local runners.

Training for the week, is another build week before recovery next week. some good training to come this week! Back on the track on Friday I am excited! Anyways for now I head to work at Romeo's.


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Fall Down 7 Times, Pick Yourself Up 8 Times.

Yesterday at the bike workout this quote was written up on the board(Fall down 7 times pick yourself up 8 times) which lead me to thinking. I always enjoy thinking about how the quote relates to me and what it makes me think. This particular quote just reminded me that no matter how many times you fall down as long as you pick yourself up you are going to be further ahead than before. Well as long as you figure out why you fell down and then try not to make the same mistake again. This quote came at the right time as we are heading into a few big training blocks. I had been a little nervous about how this year was going to pan out. I have had a couple years in the past that have not been, “up to par.” However I have been able to realise that as long as I finish the year thinking that I have done all I can who cares what the outcome is? I have not had a year when I have been able to say I have given it everything I have had, hopefully this year! I am excited and ready to go as the new race season slowly creeps up on us. The running series starts Sunday and just over 9 weeks until our training camp in Arizona. We are looking into Rv’s To take down with us to keep the cost as low as possible and it is going to be a fun way to travel and live down there!

As for training after our time off during the holidays I am fired up and ready to go again. Heading into the holidays I was having a hard time dealing with the fatigue physically and mentally. A little bit of easy OYO training and I am ready to go again. Since we have been back at it workouts have been great, first Track workout was Tuesday just an intro into track with a few 800’s descending. Other than that it has basically been swim, bike, run and work every day. Swims have been solid and working on some technique and getting closer to that perfect technique. Run’s have been smooth and bikes have been fast. All is good, but now to take advantage of my easy day.